Technological system of a society and its structure

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Yu.I. Pylypenko,Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor,, State Higher Educational Institution "National Mining University", Head of the Department of Economics and Business Theory, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To substantiate the essence of the technological system and ascertain its functional interactions with other structural elements of the society.

Methodology. The structural-functional method has been applied to explain the internal and external instrumental function of the technological system of the society. Scientific abstraction method has been used for determining the nature of the technological system of the society, and the method of modeling – for the development of its structure.

Findings. The possibility of selection of the technological system as a relatively autonomous structural element of the society has been proved and its essence is defined as a set of interconnected and functionally ordered knowledge and skills of the society, by means of which it affects the environment aiming adaptation to it or its transformation for achievement of the required social effect. A matrix of relationships between internally-system functions of the structural elements of society has been created. Based on the selection of those ones affecting the functioning of the technological system, its structural model has been built.

Originality. Technological system has been selected as a relatively autonomous structural element of the society. We propose to consider the structure of any social system as a set of interrelated elements (subsystems), the composition of which includes the core of their self-development and it is functionally subordinate to all other elements of components of society.

Practical value. The results can be used to develop the concept of reforming and innovation of the technological system of Ukrainian society.


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