Study of detonation characteristics of blast-hole charges of packaged emulsion explosives

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A.L. Kirichenko, State Enterprise “Recearch-Industrial Complex “Pavlograd Chemical Plant”, Deputy TechnicalDirectorfor NewTechnologies and Techniques of Drill and Blast Operations, Pavlograd, Ukraine

Ye.B. Ustimenko, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), State Enterprise “Recearch-Industrial Complex “Pavlograd Chemical Plant”, Technical Director, Pavlograd, Ukraine

L.N. Shyman, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), State Enterprise “Recearch-Industrial Complex “Pavlograd Chemical Plant”, General Director - Chief Designer of Rocket Engines on Solid Fuel, Pavlograd, Ukraine

V.V Politov, State Enterprise “Recearch-Industrial Complex “Pavlograd Chemical Plant”, Senior Drill and Blast Engineer-Technologist, Pavlograd, Ukraine


Purpose. To estimate the influence of compression elastic waveeffecton change in detonation characteristics of blast-hole charges of packaged emulsion explosives.

Methodology. Measurement of velocity variations of detonation wave propagation with time through emulsion explosive charge affected by compression elastic waveat given distances from the wave source.

Findings. Experimental results for 32 mm packaged emulsion explosives showed dependence of detonation velocity on emulsion explosive density. The density range which produces maximum detonation velocity was determined, as well as the critical density value with which the emulsion explosive lost its capability to steadily receive initiating pulse and detonate from blasting cap with 0.6 g PENT core load. In the course of the work the influence of elastic wavegenerated by charge firing on deformation and developing of detonation processes in adjacent blast-hole emulsion explosive charges was evaluated. It was determined that the compression elastic waveeffectcaused mass density variation in emulsion explosive charge due to volume compression deformation and following load removal.

Originality. Compression deformation in charge proceeds with gradual increase in emulsion explosive density. Deformation process caused by elastic waveeffect is limited in time to 12 ms in 32 mm emulsion explosive charge. Period of deformation increasing to its maximum has the identical time duration and decreases with removal at more than 0.6 m distance from the wave source. After unloading the phase comes which is followed by gradual recovery of emulsion explosive density and which proceeds in different ways at various distances from the wave source.

PracticalvalueStudy results obtained allow defining a problem for developing recommendations on selecting of drilling and blasting optimal parameters when blasting with application of emulsion explosives in mine and pit drifting faces. 


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Date 2013-12-24 Filesize 365.41 KB Download 1557


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