Sea coastal waters monitoring geoinformation system

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Ye.V. Azarenko, Doctor of Sciences (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Faculty of Information Technologies Dean, Head of the Higher Mathematics Department of the Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry, Sevastopol, Ukraine

Yu.Yu. Goncharenko, Candidate of Sciences (Tech.), Senior Lecturer of Information Security Department Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry, Sevastopol, Ukraine

М.М. Diviziniuk, Doctor of Sciences (Phys.-Math.), Professor, Vice Rector for Scientific Affairs of the Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry, Sevastopol, Ukraine

М.I. Ozhiganova, Deputy Dean for Academic and Scientific Affairs of Information Technology Department, Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry, Sevastopol, Ukraine


Information sources and hardware and software package of the geoinformation system for ecological monitoring of coastal waters have been considered. The result of two synchronously taken sound speed measurements by direct and indirect testers is shown to be the basic generator of information about anthropogenic pollution occurrence in the marine environment. A difference in the testers' data characterizes the kind and parameters of contaminants.


1. Russian source: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii «Blek SI–2000». – Sevastopol: MGI NANU, 2000. – 320 p.

2. Russian source: Istomin V.I. Predotvrashcheniye zagriazneniya moria neftyu pri ekspluatatsii sudov. – Sevastopol:. SevNTU, 2003. – 100 p.

3. Monitoring i metody vymiriuvannia parametriv navkolyshnigo seredovyshcha / V.M. Isaenko, G.V. Lisichenko, Т.V. Dudar [et al.]. – K.: «NAU-druk», 2009. – 312 p.

4. Russian source: Diviziniuk М.М. Razrabotka strukturnogo elementa podsistemy monitoringa ekologicheskikh chrezvychainykh situatsyi v pribrezhnykh vodakh / М.М. Diviziniuk, М.I. Ozhiganiva, I.P. Shumeiko // Sb. nauch. tr. SNUIAEiP. – Vol. 3(35). – Sevastopol: SNUIAEiP, 2009. – P. 215–220.

5. Ukrainian source: Patent No.47201F (Ukraina). Sposib vyiavlennia naftovykh zabrudnen na vodnii poverkhni / М.М. Diviziniuk, S.М. Diviziniuk, V.О. Lazarenko, V.P. Chernenka. – Nadruk. v Biul., 17.06.2002. – No.7.

Date 2012-11-27 Filesize 578.59 KB Download 1500


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