Development of detonation processes of blasthole charges of insensitive industrial explosive materials when initiating from primed blasting cartridges
A.L. Kirichenko, State enterprise «Scientific-production association «Pavlograd chemical plant», Deputy Technical Director for New Technologies and Techniques of Drill and Blast Operations, Pavlograd, Ukraine
Ye.B. Ustimenko, Candidate of Technical Science, State Enterprise «Scientific-Production Association «Pavlograd Chemical Plant», Technical Director, Pavlograd, Ukraine
L.N. Shiman, Doctor of Technical Science, State Enterprise «Scientific-Production Association «Pavlograd Chemical Plant», General Director – Chief Designer of solid fuel rocket engines, Pavlograd, Ukraine
O.V. Koltunov, Public Joint-Stock Company «Industrial Production Enterprise «Krivbassvzryvprom», Head of Technical Department, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine
On the base of the results of experimental research the detonation properties of ERA-P emulsion explosive primed cartridges have been determined. The estimation of parameters of ERA-P emulsion explosives initiating pulse in comparison with TNT blocks and their impact on detonation development in blast-hole charges of insensitive explosive materials has been carried out.
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