Features of formation of technogenic permeability in roof of coal layer during underground gasification of coal
V.V. Tishkov, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
The purpose of the research was the estimation of hydrodynamic behavior and its changes during underground coal gasification, as well as obtaining representative data on changes in the permeability of the enclosing strata. The objective of the researches was to establish the filtration properties of the sandy soils dependence on level of strains in different zones affected by the gas generator and it was taking into account the effects of temperature.
The studies were carried out in several stages. Prepared undisturbed samples of sandy-clayey rocks (“Morozovskiy” open pit mine of Dneprovsky bassin) were subjected to thermal impact of temperatures 400–650°C, with the subsequent analysis of the filtration properties depending on level of strain in triaxial compression. The nature of permeability changes was investigated by simulation results of the stress-strain state of the disturbed rock mass on the second stage.
The results of laboratory study of the sandy-clayey rock samples permeability dependence on volume deformations and thermal impact under three-dimensional loading are summarized in diagrams showing laws of its change. The features of permeability of enclosing strata after underground coal gasification have been determined by means of numerical geomechanical models reflecting field of volumetric deformations, which are initial parameters for water exchange regulation in the zone affected by the gas generator. The increase of conductivity of sandy-clayey rocks enclosing the coal seam has been estimated for the first time taking into account the range of volumetric strain during underground coal gasification.
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