Soil magnetism in Ukraine

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A.I. Menshov, Cand. Sci. (Geol.), Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Research Fellow of the Geology Department, Kyiv, Ukraine

A.V. Sukhorada, Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), Assocciate Professor, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, Senior Research Fellow of the Geology Department, Kyiv, Ukraine


Nowadays the investigation of soil magnetism (pedomagnetizm) is important part of magnetometric studies. Soils are rather magnetic and sometimes they are the main object on the surface generating local magnetic anomalies. Such cases have been registered within the Dniepr-Donets Depression in Ukraine. Our work aimed the study of vertical and lateral distributions of magnetic characteristics of soils. In addition, the possible ways of application of the information about soil magnetism were analysed. The method of the research includes the principles of high-scale magnetometry, micromagnetic surveys, rock-magnetic and paleomagnetic studies, methods of soil science. The main magnetic parameters are: magnetic susceptibility ?, summary magnetization J?, effective magnetization Jef, vector of magnetic field T and its gradients, etc. Soils were studied within the main soil-climatic zones of Ukraine: Polesie (woodlands), Forest-Steppe, Steppe, Dry Steppe. The investigated soil types are: sod-podzol soil, gray forest soil, chestnut soil, chernozem soil (leached, typical, ordinary, southern), meadow soil, sod soil and bog soil. The soil magnetism increases from North to South across the soil-climatic zones of Ukraine. The most magnetic are ordinary and south chernozem soils. The least magnetic are sod-podzol, meadow and bog soils. The maximal values of the magnetic parameters are fixed in the watersheds and plateaus, minimal values are fixed in the floodplains, gullies, terraces. So cold ‘urbanozem’, te type of polluted soil, was investigated. Information about soil magnetism was used for solving environmental tasks. The magnetic parameters increase with soil pollution due to the content of heavy metals and other dangerous for human health matters. There is an opportunity of using soil magnetism in hydrocarbon prospecting due to the formation of autogenic magnetic minerals in the subsurface under the influences of oil and gas. Magnetic susceptibility rate is useful for agricultural mapping of lands, investigation of erosion, soil fertility, necessity of mineral and organic fertilizers.


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