Content №1 2020



M. A. Mizernaya, S. S. Aitbayeva, A. I. Mizerny, B. A. Dyachkov, A. P. Miroshnikova. Geochemical characteristics and metalogeny of Herzin granitoid complexes (Eastern Kazakhstan)




Yu. O. Zhulay, O. D. Nikolayev. Results of testing and modelling the “drilling rig with hydraulic vibrator ‒ rock” system


Ya. Ya. Lebediev, O. V. Stolbchenko, А. А. Yurchenko, I. O. Luts, V. V. Kovbasa. Mathematical model of heat processes in terms of gas-saturated rock breaking by means of shearers and tunneling machines


V. А. Mashchenko, О. Ye. Khomenko, V. P. Kvasnikov. Thermodynamic aspect of rock destruction


Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing


O. S. Beshta, V. M. Kuvaiev, I. K. Mladetskyi, M. V. Kuvaiev. Ulpa particle separation model in a spiral classifier


R. M. Tatsii, O. Yu. Pazen, S. Ya. Vovk. Modeling of the heat transfer process taking into account bursting expansion of fire-retardant coating


Geotechnical and Mining ­Mechanical Engineering, ­Machine Building


O. Bohdanov, V. Protsiv, V. Derbaba, S. Patsera. Model of surface roughness in turning of shafts of traction motors of electric carst


V. V. Pabyrivskyi, I. V. Kuzio, N. V. Pabyrivska, P. Ya. Pukach. Two-dimensional elastic theory methods for describing the stress state and the modes of elastic boring


I. Chudyk, P. Raiter, Ya. Grydzhuk, L. Yurych. Mathematical model of oscillations of a drill tool with a drill bit of cutting-scraping type


Electrical Complexes and Systems


О. Bialobrzheskyi, S. Bondarenko, S. Yakymets. Innovative technique for evaluating electric power distortion in cable transmission line


Yu.V. Kovalova. On the efficiency factor for induction motor at non-sine supply


V. F. Syvokobylenko, V. A. Lysenko. Earth fault protection for compensated electric networks based on frequency filters


O. Sheremet, O. Sadovoi, Yu. Sokhina. Combined control system on the basis of two discrete time equalizers


Power Supply Technologies


G. G. Diachenko, O. O. Aziukovskyi. Review of methods for energy-efficiency improvement in induction machines


G. G. Pivnyak, O. O. Beshta. A complex source of electrical energy for three-phase current based on a stand-alone voltage inverter


M. Yo. Fedoriv, I. V. Hlad, I. D. Halushchak, І. М. Mykhailiv. DC link power supply system of electric drill


Environmental Safety, Labour Protection


О. O. Lapshyn, M. V. Khudyk. Development of a fiber filter for dust chambers


V. Drozd, V. Bondar, V. Oksin, V. Stepanenko, O. Hrynkiv. Approximation of legislation of the European Union and Ukraine in the field of labor protection: the risks and advantages


F. Brovko, O. Brovko, S. Tanchyk, V. Yukhnovskyi. Optimization of water-physical properties of sandy soils of natural-technogenic origin


V. T. Bolonnyi, V. Ya. Grudz, Ya. V. Grudz, V. B. Zapukhliak, T. Ya. Dodyk. Prediction of transient processes in oil pipelines with the purpose of emergency incident prevention


V. L. Bezsonnyi, O. V. Tretyakov, V. V. Asotskyi, R. V. Ponomarenko. Production risk management in the foundry


Information Technologies, Systems Analysis and Administration


A. Shporta, T. Kagadiy, O. Onopriienko. Asymptotic method in two-dimensional problems of electroelasticity


Economy and Management


T. Beridze, N. Lokhman, O. Bondarenko, A. Buhra. Harmonization of results of modeling production systems of Ukraine’s regions


Ya. Litvinova, K. Nosal-Hoy, K. Solecka, I. Taran. Improvement of efficiency of processes of mining product processing at ­transport hubs


S. Dovgyi, V. Nebrat, D. Svyrydenko, S. Babiichuk. Science education in the age of Industry 4.0: challenges to economic ­development and human capital growth in Ukraine


I. Yashchyshyna, O. Svider, O. Kushnir, M. Konovalova. Corporate social responsibility of the enterprise: shortcomings and social effects for Ukrainian society


V. V. Artamonov, P. B. Mikhno, M. H. Vasylenko, I. M. Shelkovska. Basic procedures of planning the rational use of disturbed lands


O. Yu. Mohylevska, L. V. Romanova, V. P. Zalizniuk, N. V. Коvalenko, S. M. Demydiuk. Marketing mechanisms for improving the efficiency of industrial enterprises




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Geochemical characteristics and metalogeny of Herzin granitoid complexes (Eastern Kazakhstan)
Results of testing and modelling the “drilling rig with hydraulic vibrator ‒ rock” system
Mathematical model of heat processes in terms of gas-saturated rock breaking by means of shearers and tunneling machines
Thermodynamic aspect of rock destruction
Ulpa particle separation model in a spiral classifier
Modeling of the heat transfer process taking into account bursting expansion of fire-retardant coating
Model of surface roughness in turning of shafts of traction motors of electric carst
Two-dimensional elastic theory methods for describing the stress state and the modes of elastic boring
Mathematical model of oscillations of a drill tool with a drill bit of cutting-scraping type
Innovative technique for evaluating electric power distortion in cable transmission line
On the efficiency factor for induction motor at non-sine supply
Earth fault protection for compensated electric networks based on frequency filters
Combined control system on the basis of two discrete time equalizers
Review of methods for energy-efficiency improvement in induction machines
A complex source of electrical energy for three-phase current based on a stand-alone voltage inverter
DC link power supply system of electric drill
Development of a fiber filter for dust chambers
Approximation of legislation of the European Union and Ukraine in the field of labor protection: the risks and advantages
Optimization of water-physical properties of sandy soils of natural-technogenic origin
Prediction of transient processes in oil pipelines with the purpose of emergency incident prevention
Production risk management in the foundry
Asymptotic method in two-dimensional problems of electroelasticity
Harmonization of results of modeling production systems of Ukraine’s regions
Improvement of efficiency of processes of mining product processing at ­transport hubs
Science education in the age of Industry 4.0: challenges to economic ­development and human capital growth in Ukraine
Corporate social responsibility of the enterprise: shortcomings and social effects for Ukrainian society
Basic procedures of planning the rational use of disturbed lands
Marketing mechanisms for improving the efficiency of industrial enterprises
Contens 01 2020


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