Contens 06 2019
- Details
- Category: Contens №6 2019
- Last Updated on 01 January 2020
- Published on 20 December 2019
- Hits: 2798
Geology |
5 |
V. S. Portnov, A. N. Kopobayeva, A. Amangeldikyzy, N. S. Askarova.Patterns of beryllium distribution in rocks of Central Kazakhstan |
5 |
Mining |
11 |
Z. R. Malanchuk, V. S. Moshynskyi, V. Ya. Korniienko, Ye. Z. Malanchuk, V. H. Lozynskyi.Substantiating parameters of zeolite-smectite puff-stone washout and migration within an extraction chamber |
11 |
F. М. Issatayeva, G. I. Rudko, V. S. Portnov.Technical and economic substantiation of developing Kusmuryn copper deposit (Kazakhstan) |
19 |
B. R. Rakishev, V. I. Bоndаrenkо, М. М. Маtayev, Z. S. Kenzhetayev.Influence of chemical reagent complex on intensification of uranium well extraction |
25 |
B. B. Sadykov, Zh. D. Baygurin, A. A. Altayeva, Zh. Т. Kozhaev, W. Stelling.New approach to zone division of surface of the deposit by the degree of sinkhole risk |
31 |
Ye. K. Babets, O. P. Bielov, O. O. Shustov, T. V. Barna, A. A. Adamchuk.The development of technological solutions on mining and processing brown coal to improve its quality |
36 |
Solid State Physics, Mineral Processing |
45 |
A. I. Fateyev, T. G. Shendrik, N. I. Dunayevska.The energy technological background of involving salty coals into energy balance of Ukraine. 2. Natural minerals as catalysts of thermochemical conversion of salty coals in various conditions |
45 |
V. V. Sobolev, D. V. Rudakov, O. N. Molchanov, L. I. Stefanovych, A. K. Kirillov.Physical and chemical transformations in gas coal samples influenced by the weak magnetic field |
52 |
Geotechnical and Mining Mechanical Engineering, Machine Building |
59 |
B. Bodnar, M. Kapitsa, D. Bobyr, D. Kyslyi.Defining the limits of application and the values of integration variables for the equations of train movement |
59 |
О. R. Strilets, V. O. Маlashchenkо, V. M. Strilets.Energy effectiveness of the differential of a device for speed change through the sun gear |
66 |
V. S. Kostyshyn, I. I. Yaremak, P. O. Kurliak.Creation of object-oriented model of centrifugal pump on the basis of electrohydrodynamic analogy method |
72 |
N. Spodyniuk, B. Gulai, V. Zhelykh, S. Shapoval.Leveling of pressure flow of radial ventilator in mine ventilation system |
80 |
Electrical Complexes and Systems |
87 |
V. A. Volkov. Energy-saving control for traction frequency-regulated asynchronous engine of an electric vehicle |
87 |
Environmental Safety, Labour Protection |
95 |
A. Bochkovskyі, N. Sapozhnikova.Minimization of the “human factor” influence in Occupational Health and Safety |
95 |
S. G. Gendler, E. B. Gridina, N. A. Egorova.Calculation of the volume of air for ventilation of mining workings when operating self-propelled diesel equipment |
107 |
N. A. Drizhd, A. Zh. Dauletzhanov, N. M. Zamaliyev, Zh. T. Dauletzhanova.Efficiency of application of antipyrogenic materials for coating coals and coke |
112 |
Information Technologies, Systems Analysis and Administration |
112 |
E. I. Kabanov, G. I. Korshunov, E. B. Gridina.Algorithmic provisions for data processing under spatial analysis of risk of accidents at hazardous production facilities |
117 |
О. М. Pihnastyi.Control of the belt speed at unbalanced loading of the conveyor |
122 |
V. Morkun, I. Kotov.Information technologies for power supply dispatch control based on linguistic corpus ontologies |
130 |
V. V. Hnatushenko, D. K. Mozgovoy, V. V. Hnatushenko, V. V. Spirintsev, I. M. Udovyk.All-weather monitoring of oil and gas production areas using satellite data |
137 |
Economy and Management |
144 |
L. D. Harmider, I. V. Taranenko, L. I. Korotka, P. O. Begma.Methodological approach to labor potential assessment based on the use of fuzzy sets theory |
144 |
V. Zarosylo, O. Fatkhutdinova, T. Morozovska, T. Arifkhodzhaieva, H. Strohanova.Legal regulation of occupational safety and health in the European Union and Ukraine: a comparative approach |
150 |
N. S. Medzhybovska.Micro business participation in government procurement: ProZorro experience |
155 |
I. Trunova, O. Miroshnyk, O. Savchenko, O. Moroz.The perfection of motivational model for improvement of power supply quality with using the one-way analysis of variance |
163 |
S. V. Ivanov, O. B. Vatchenko, K. O. Svystun, B. S. Vatchenko, O. V. Oskoma.Analysis of decoupling of economic growth, environmental pressure and resource use in Dnipropetrovsk region |
169 |
V. Shpachuk, O. Yevmieshkina, V. Kravchenko.The impact of mine waters on the condition of the water management complex of Ukraine: tasks of water management |
176 |
V. V. Nykyforov, M. S. Malovanyy, I. S. Aftanaziv, L. I. Shevchuk, L. R. Strutynska.Developing a technology for treating blue-green algae biomass using vibro-resonance cavitators |
181 |
Newer news items:
- Energy effectiveness of the differential of a device for speed change through the sun gear - 23/12/2019 08:32
- Defining the limits of application and the values of integration variables for the equations of train movement - 23/12/2019 08:30
- Physical and chemical transformations in gas coal samples influenced by the weak magnetic field - 23/12/2019 08:27
- The energy technological background of involving salty coals into energy balance of Ukraine. 2. Natural minerals as catalysts of thermochemical conversion of salty coals in various conditions - 23/12/2019 08:25
- The development of technological solutions on mining and processing brown coal to improve its quality - 23/12/2019 08:23
- New approach to zone division of surface of the deposit by the degree of sinkhole risk - 23/12/2019 08:20
- Influence of chemical reagent complex on intensification of uranium well extraction - 23/12/2019 08:17
- Technical and economic substantiation of developing Kusmuryn copper deposit (Kazakhstan) - 23/12/2019 08:16
- Substantiating parameters of zeolite-smectite puff-stone washout and migration within an extraction chamber - 23/12/2019 08:12
- Patterns of beryllium distribution in rocks of Central Kazakhstan - 23/12/2019 07:46