Dynamics of the two-drum electromechanical drive of suspended timbertransporting cable system

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Ye.M.Lutyi, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., orcid.org/0000-0001-8349-5560, Ukrainian National Forestry University, Lviv, Ukrainе, e-mail: barylyakw@ nltu.edu.ua

I.V.Kuzio, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., orcid.org/0000-0001-9271-6505, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukrainе

V.V.Baryliak, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), orcid.org/0000-0002-1822-8682, Ukrainian National Forestry University, Lviv, Ukrainе, e-mail: barylyakw@ nltu.edu.ua

O.M.Udovytskyі, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Assoс. Prof., orcid.org/0000-0003-2234-806X, Ukrainian National Forestry University, Lviv, Ukrainе, e-mail: barylyakw@ nltu.edu.ua


Purpose. Determination of dynamic load factors in the links of a two-drum drive of a suspended cable timbertransporting plant equipped with an electric motor and an elastic coupling, taking into account the transient electromechanical processes in the drive motor, variable moments of inertia of drive drums, technological load, as well as changes in the coefficients of longitudinal rigidity of moving cables.

Methodology. The developed dynamical model of the drive contains a number of theoretical dependencies, calculation schemes and systems of differential equations that describe the dynamic processes in the two-drum electromechanical drive of the suspended cable timbertransporting plant. The differential equations of the electromagnetic state of the machine, which describe the transient processes in the drive motor, are based on the Park-Goriev equations. Differential equations of mechanical part of the drive motion are developed on the basis of the D’Alembert’s method. For the numerical integration of differential equations systems, the modified Euler’s method is used.

Findings. The simulation model calculates the dynamic forces that are active in mechanical gears and the drive coupling; potentially dangerous operating modes of the drive of suspended cable are determined. The dependence of the load dynamic factor on the structural parameters of the drive is established. The influence of the length of the free part of the movable cable on the magnitude of the dynamic loads in the drive is investigated.

Originality. For the first time, a dynamic model of the drive of suspended cable timbertransporting plant was proposed which takes into account: transitional electromechanical processes in the drive motor; variable inertia moments of drive drums; variable load acting on drive drums at each of the stages of the technological cycle of the cable plant work. Calculations of the moment of inertia of the drive drum and the moment of the force of the technological resistance that are variable in time are made taking into account the multilayer winding of the cable on the drive drum, as well as the forces of elastic deformation of moving cables.

Practical value. New methods, algorithms and programs have been developed and the existing ones have been improved for calculation of dynamic loads in the coupling and gears of the electromechanical drive of a cable plant with haul-lifting and reversing cables. On the basis of the obtained dependences of load dynamic factor, recommendations for the choice of structural and operational parameters of drives of these plants were developed.


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