Process pattern of heterogeneous gas hydrate deposits dissociation

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V. I. Bоndаrenkо, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prоf.,, Nаtiоnаl Mining University, Dniprо, Ukrаine, e-mаil: kаterynа.sаi@gmаil.cоm

K. S. Sаi, Cаnd. Sc. (Tech.),, Nаtiоnаl Mining University, Dniprо, Ukrаine, e-mаil: kаterynа.sаi@gmаil.cоm


Purpose. Justification of the effective dissociation process parameters of heterogeneous gas hydrate deposits and elaboration of their classification according to the thermal energy consumption.

Methodology. The methodological basis of the conducted complex research is the analysis and synthesis of literary sources, devoted to studying the peculiarities and thermobaric properties of gas hydrates, analytical calculations and laboratory experiments on the thermal energy consumption for the efficient decomposition of gas hydrates, experimental studies of the hydrate formation process and gas hydrate deposits of the mottled structure dissociation.

Findings. The parameters of formation and stable gas hydrate occurrence in natural environment, which should be taken into account when developing gas hydrate deposits, are substantiated. The existing classification of gas hydrate deposits in sedimentary rocks is analyzed. The regularities of the gas hydrate deposits dissociation process and methane gas production, depending on the percentage of rock intercalations content, are established. The volumes of analysis zones and gas output from heterogeneous gas hydrate deposits are determined. The amount of thermal energy that is necessary to be consumed to produce 1000 m3 of hydrated gas during the gas hydrate deposits development, is calculated.

Originality. It is established that the thermal energy consumption on the dissociation process in order to obtain methane gas varies with a parabolic dependency with an increase in the rock intercalations proportion in the gas hydrate deposit. A new classification of gas hydrate deposits, based on the content of rock intercalations and the amount of spent thermal energy for gas hydrate dissociation, has been developed.

Practical value. The results of studies with sufficient accuracy for practical application may be used in the development of the Black Sea gas hydrate deposits in order to obtain natural gas. The revealed dependencies of the methane gas output on the rock intercalation share are a tool for determining the effective application of technologies for the gas hydrate deposit development.


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