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R.M. Tereshchuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor,National Mining University,Associate Professor of the Department of Construction, Geotechnics and Geomechanics,Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., orcid.org/0000-0003-4509-2511

N.V. Khoziaikina, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, National Mining University,Associate Professor of the Department of Construction, Geotechnics and Geomechanics, Dnipro, Ukraine, orcid.org/0000-0002-4747-3913

D.V. Babets, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, National Mining University,Professor of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Dnipro, Ukraine, orcid.org/0000-0002-5486-9268


Purpose. Toanalyse a state of border rock mass of permanent slope mine working in the process of roof-bolting mounting. To determine rational roof-bolting density as well as length of anchors in the deepening process in the context of  seam of Pioner mine (“DTEK Dobropolliavuhillia” Ltd).

Methodology. Roof-boltingparameters for the permanent slope mine workings were substantiated while analysing regularities of changes in behaviour and stress-strain state of rock mass and identifying displacements of rock contour of a mine working. Thereupon, rational values of anchor lengths and roof-bolting density based upon them were determined. To analyse changes in the behaviour and stress-strain state of border rock mass of permanent inclined mine working with roof-bolting, a finite-element method was applied.

Findings. A method to analyseboth behaviour and stress-strain state of border rock mass of permanent inclined mine workings in the context of roof-bolting mounting has been substantiated. The procedure of the problem solution while using developed software has been described. Calculation model to solve a problem concerning the determination of rational roof-bolting density and anchor lengths to support permanent inclined mine workings in the context of their depth changes has been developed. Rational parameters of roof-bolting while supporting permanent inclined mine workings under specific mining and geological conditions have been determined.

Originality. Graphs of dependences of roof rock border displacements and floor of permanent inclined mine working on its depth in terms of anchor length and roof-bolting density have been obtained.

Practical value. Results of the studiesmay be used at the design stage to forecast displacements of a roof, a floor and walls of permanent inclined mine workings under the conditions of  seam at Pioner mine to optimize roof-bolting parameters.


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