Experimental estimation of load-carrying capacity of circular, square and rectangular CFTS columns

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G.L. Vatulia, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Head of the Structural Mechanics and Hydraulics Department, Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

D.H. Petrenko, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Postgraduate Student of the Structural Mechanics and Hydraulics Department, Kharkiv, Ukraine

M.A. Novikova, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Postgraduate Student of the Structural Mechanics and Hydraulics Department, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Purpose. Determining the nature of deformation developing inside the concrete core and on the surface of steel casing at different loading stages using the strain measurement method. Studying features of strain-stress behavior of concrete-filled steel tube columns (CFST) of different cross-sections under axial compression; comparison of theoretical and experimental data of concrete-filled steel tube columns by their load-carrying capacity.

Methodology. The method is based on detection of contact interaction between the concrete core performing under 3D stress and the casing of the steel concrete element at short-term static loading.

Findings. Strength and load-carrying capacity of CFST elements are assessed. The obtained results allow beginning experimental studies on CFST constructions of various lengths and cross-sections using not only exterior, but also interior gauges in order to access the strain-stress behavior of constructions.

Originality. New experimental data on the regularities of performance and destruction of CFST columns of various cross-sections were obtained.

Practical value. The proposed methods for structural design enable both producing efficient composite structures that perform under compression and bending and designing load-carrying elements for industrial facilities.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2017 Contents №6 2017 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Experimental estimation of load-carrying capacity of circular, square and rectangular CFTS columns