New condition for separation of orthoclase from quartz by flotation; case of Ain Barbar quarry (Algeria)

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A.Chaib, Annaba University, Annaba-Algeria, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

M.Bounouala, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Annaba University, Annaba-Algeria, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

S.Bouabdallah, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Annaba University, Annaba-Algeria, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A.Benselhoub, PhD, Annaba University, Annaba-Algeria, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose. The preliminary study of Ain Barbar (Algeria) feldspar quality improvement is aimed to obtain high purity of feldspar (orthoclase) without iron oxides and quartz to meet the standards of glass manufacturing and ceramics.

Methodology. The feldspar of Ain Barbar quarry was crushed and sieved. The mineral was characterized y X ray diffraction and chemical analyses with X ray fluorescence. The material (250 45 m) was washed followed by physico-chemical concentration (magnetic separation and flotation) by new condition. The study of the main parameters of magnetic separation and flotation process in different ranges was realized.

Findings. Washing and high intensity magnetic separation (12 Ampere) afford to reduce the iron-bearing impurities up to 0.09 % Fe2O3, and the flotation is the best way for the separation of K-feldspar from quartz by appropriate reagents for this purpose (HBr, amine).

This method for beneficiation of feldspar ore (orthoclase) assaying on average, 15.16 % Al2O3, 70.40 % SiO2, 0.03 % total iron oxides, 13.51 % K2O and 0.14 % Na2O, provided several types of products which can be used in the ceramic and glass making.

The most striking result in this experimental study is the depressive effect of HBr on quartz and activation of the orthoclase, HBr addition controls amine adsorption on k-feldspar through adsorption of Br ions onto mineral surfaces.

The use of HBr in flotation was found to increase the K-feldspar (orthoclase) grade in the concentrate. This study clearly demonstrates an effective separation of feldspar (orthoclase) from quartz.

Originality. The originality of this study consists in the use of hydrobromic acid as a new reagent to activate orthoclase and depress the quartz in the flotation process, with a comparison of the obtained results with the use of hydrofluoric acid or hydrobromic acid in orthoclase flotation, showing that the use of hydrobromic acid (800 g/t of HBr) gives a concentration of 90 % orthoclase and 8 % quartz with 13.51 % K2O, while in feed it is 56 % orthoclase and 39 % quartz with a K2O content of 7.78 %. On the other hand, the use of hydrofluoric acid (800 g/t HF) provides a concentrate of 80 % orthoclase and 18 % quartz, with a grade of 9.52 % of K2O in the same conditions.

Practical value. The results obtained with magnetic separation followed by the flotation method can be suitable specifications for ceramics and glass. Besides, the use of hydrobromic acid is economical and less threatening for the environment in comparison with the use of hydrofluoric acid.

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