Substantiation of rational mining method at the Motronivskyi titanium-zirconium ore deposit exploration
B.Yu.Sobko, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., State higher educational institution “National Mining University”, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
O.V.Lozhnikov, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Assoc. Prof., State higher educational institution “National Mining University”, Dnipro, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A.M.Haidin, Cand. Sc. (Geol.-Mineral.), JSC “GIRKHIMPROM”, Lviv, Ukraine
O.M.Laznikov, Motronivskyi MPP, Vilnohirsk, Ukraine
Purpose. Substantiation of effective ways of mining titanium-zirconium ores deposits with high levels of flooding at the exploration Motronivskyi site of Malyshevskyi Deposit.
Methodology. The correct definition of hydrogeological parameters on Motronivskyi site by constructing wells in the relief depressions for the establishment of an average filtration coefficient in Miocene aquifer complex with the graphic-analytical method. The digital model of the area of Motronivskyi placers is based on the publicly available software package “VISUAL MODFLOW” considering laboratory and field studies. Substantiation of effective technology of overburden operations and underwater ore extraction, based on the received digital model of the area was carried out using a technical and economic analysis.
Findings. The technological scheme of underwater mining of mineral deposits at Motronivskyi deposit allows refusing from the use of wells for pit dewatering. The capital cost of the facility amounts to 10.5 million Euros, according to the bankable feasibility study by “Vattenfall” company. There is also a reduction in the cost of mining Sarmatian sands and spreading it in the basis of internal dump. Instead of loading into trucks and transporting around the quarry at a distance of about 2 km, Sarmatian sand, in the proposed scheme, is pumped to a distance 300 m in the slurry form.
Originality. The results of studies to establish the dependency of the average filtration coefficient of the Miocene aquifer on the parameters of the field are promising for the use in underwater mining operations, especially in case when the level of groundwater in the Neogene-Paleogene aquifer remains unchanged.
Practical value. Determination of hydrogeological parameters on Motronivskyi deposit and creation of the area digital model allows substantiating the choice of the efficient technology of overburden and mining minerals from previously used schemes with shovel and road trucks and new schemes for mining titanium-zirconium ores with the use of dredgers and hydraulic transport.
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