Role of innovative and project activity in the rating estimation of universities in Ukraine
- Details
- Category: Economy and management
- Last Updated on 17 October 2013
- Published on 08 November 2012
- Hits: 12544
I.Ye. Drach, State Higher Educational Institution “National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine”, Postgraduate Student, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine
Purpose. To analyze the structure and types of scientific sectors in Ukraine. To determine the influence of scientific and technical, and innovative project activity indicators of the university on its competitiveness and position in rating.
Methodology. The methodological basis of paper is general scientific principles of research (methods of scientific analysis and synthesis), the theoretical and methodological foundations of the system and process approaches, and methods of ranking. Information sources of paper are statistical report data and studies of native scientists.
Findings. This article provides general characteristics of some methods of creation of universities rating in Ukraine. In detail, we examined rating of universities in Ukraine of III, IV levels of accreditation “Top-200 Ukraine”, in which significant role is assigned to scientific activity, and we studied the method of its creation. The article presents diagrams of weight distribution between the indicators in the indices of scientific and educational potential quality, the quality of education and international recognition. It identifies the dependence between the scientific and pedagogical potential quality and the rating place of the university, its competitiveness in the education sector in Ukraine. It presents characteristic of scientific sectors (academic, industry, educational, factory, and business), examines the organizational and legal forms of non-departmental science enterprises (incubator, technopark, technopolis), describes the structure of the education sector, and identifies the types of studies in accordance with the sector of science.
Originality. The main scientific result is the theoretical substantiation of the influence of innovative activity at the university on his competitiveness. Rating features of a university are analyzed, and revealed the lack of indicators concerning implementation of the scientific developments performed by research and pedagogical workers.
Practical value. The results of the research have been implemented during the teaching discipline “Marketing of Intellectual Property” to improve the economic efficiency of innovative projects of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine.
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