Exergy analysis of waste heat recovery systems of mine compressors

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M.V.Radiuk, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, e-mail: maksym.radiuk@ fulbrightmail.org


Purpose. To determine the most perfect system for mine compressor waste heat recovery regarding its thermodynamic properties and identify the elements where the largest exergy losses occur. Conduct comparative analysis between direct heating, heat pump and cogeneration waste heat recovery systems.

Methodology. Mathematical modelling of thermodynamic processes occurring in waste heart recovery systems and mine compressors has been applied. Comparative exergy analysis of the mine compressor with waste heat recovery systems has been performed.

Findings. The detailed exergy analysis of direct heating, heat pump and cogeneration waste heat recovery technologies used for the mine compressor waste heat recovery has been made. It has been determined that cogeneration waste heat recovery system operating in heating mode has the highest exergy efficiency.

Originality. A detailed exergy analysis of the elements of mine compressors with waste heat recovery systems has been made for the first time. The most exergy efficient mine compressor waste heat recovery system has been determined.

Practical value. The diagrams of exergy flows which allow determining exergy losses in each element of the mine compressors with direct heating, heat pump and cogeneration waste heat recovery systems have been designed.


References / Список літератури

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