Building Evaluation System of Enterprise Network Capability by Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method

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Erwei Han, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China

Huifeng Xue, Xi’an University of Technology, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China


Purpose. This paper uses the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to construct the evaluation system of enterprise network capability and realized quantitative evaluation. We want to find the evidence to adjust the building strategy of the enterprise network capacity.

Methodology. We have made many types of research on the enterprise network capability, including the concept, structure, dimensions, factors and their role in the process of innovation performance. The method of experts and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method were used for empirical research. The status of enterprise network capacity was analysed clearly.

Findings. Empirical analysis showed that the network capability evaluation is beneficial to measure the size of the enterprise network capability and to compare differences between enterprises network abilities. The enterprises should build the network capacity overall. At the same time, they should pay attention to the structure of network capability.

Originality. The enterprise network capability was evaluated quantitatively by the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.

Practical value. The recommendations on the network capacity building strategy for the enterprises were formulated.The enterprises can find the deficiency of network capability building, adjust the development strategy of enterprise network capability, find the problems in the recognition, positioning, planning, integration and optimization, obtain network resources, and improve the competitive advantage.

References / Список літератури

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