Synthesis of high-voltage converter for electrotecnology

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T.M.Lytvynenko, Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy, Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Purpose. Development of the theory of design of the generators of high-voltage pulses, creation of a generator with less loss of energy.

Methodology. The high-voltage converter scheme synthesis was done by the synthesis algorithm with variable structure based on the graph of state changes. The synthesis procedure is the ideal arrangement of keys in a circuit with a constant structure so that the nature of electromagnetic processes in the received circuit with variable structure conforms to the originally specified graph of state changes.

Findings. The synthesis of high-voltage circuit converter was performed in accordance with the requirements of energy loss reduce: the assurance of the of IGBT operation modes, which reduce current and voltage loading of the device, and allow switching the transistor with zero current or voltage, or in the case of neutral switching.

Originality. A new circuit of a converter was synthesized. It can halve the working voltage of the primary capacitive storage, and reduce the current and voltage loading of the power switches. Thereby, it becomes possible to increase the allowable frequency of operation of the high-voltage converter in comparison with a single-cycle circuit of the converter.

Practical value. The proposed method of implementation and the high-voltage converter device can be used in electrotechnics of cleaning of sulphur-containing gases from sulphur dioxide, since the high-voltage converter has better mass and size (by reducing the amount of magnetic knots) than similar devices based on single-cycle thyristor schemes and loses less energy (efficiency of 70 % vs. 60 %).

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