Wear resistance of nanocomposite coatings with dry lubricant under vacuum
- Details
- Category: Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building
- Last Updated on 02 April 2016
- Published on 02 April 2016
- Hits: 4334
V.P Babak, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Institute for Technical Thermal Physics under National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Head of Department, Kyiv, Ukraine.
V.V. Shchepetov, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Institute for Technical Thermal Physics under National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Senior Research Scientist, Kyiv, Ukraine.
S.D. Nedaiborshch, State Enterprise “PLANT 410”, Engineer-Technologist, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Purpose. To research tribotechnical characterization of the developed Cr-Si-B detonation nanocomposite coatings containing dry lubricant additives involving the dispersed molybdenum disulfide as an extra anti-friction component under vacuum conditions.
Procedure. To accomplish D-Gun spraying, the nanocomposite powders obtained by mechanochemical synthesis by me-ans of an IES-1-0.5 laboratory attritor [2] were used. The particles of dry lubricant (fractions from 3 to 10 mµm) were mixed with the starting metallic nanopowders using the aqueous method. The thickness of the sprayed detonation layer upon treatment made up 0.20−0.25 mm, roughness was Ra= 0.63-0.32, strength of cohesion with a base was σcoh = 87.5 MPa. The examination of the surface strength of the coatings when in friction, seizure susceptibility and a triboactivation degree have been evaluated in terms of wear intensity in the vacuum with rarefaction of 1.33·10-5 Pа. The tribotechnical characteristics of the composite coatings studied have been analyzed and compared with the values of VK15 coating wear resistance and the surface layers produced from a thermodiffusion alloying with boron, vanadium and chromium.
The up-to-date physical techniques including X-ray spectral microanalysis and scanning electron microscopy have been applied to investigate rubbing surfaces.
Findings. By mechanochemical synthesis of starting materials, the nanocomposite powders composed of nanocomposite homogeneous mixture have been obtained. Controlling the operation procedure of producing nanocomposites, the authors succeeded in providing the desired chemistry. Moreover, the intended coating nanostructure with high resistance to wear under friction loading in vacuum has been obtained while spraying.
Originality. High resistance to wear of the developed nanocomposite coatings containing a dry lubricant additive involving the dispersed molybdenum disulfide as an extra anti-friction component has been practically established and theoretically substantiated. The effect of a coating structure and surface film composition on their operational characteristics has been found.
Practical value. The evidence obtained expands the store of achievements in contemporary tribotechnical material science and is of certain value in producing competitive products characterized by high service reliability.
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