Methods of production and processing of wear-resistant coatings for drill bits

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A.F. Salenko, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Head of the Department of Processes and Equipment for Mechanical and Physical-Technical Processing, Kremenchuk, Ukraine.

А.M. Fedotiev, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Assoc. Professor, “Instrument” Ltd., Deputy Director for Science, Svetlovodsk, Ukraine.

L.P. Fedotieva, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Associate Professor of the Department of Processes and Equipment for Mechanical and Physical-Technical Processing, Kremenchuk, Ukraine.

O.M. Mana, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Associate Professor of the Department of Processes and Equipment for Mechanical and Physical-Technical Processing, Kremenchuk, Ukraine.


Purpose. Drill bits equipped with polycrystalline diamond cutters (PDC) are applied for drilling of oil and gas wells. The utilization of tungsten carbide and tungsten-free carbide wastes is a reserve to reduce the cost of production of the built-up wear-resistant coatings. However, edge cutting processing of such coatings have not been investigated. The improvement of existing methods of processing and the creation of new methods of processing of such surfaces is an actual problem and the purpose of the research.

Methodology. Comparative tests of various tool materials were carried out during turning operations with. The recommendations on the choice of rational modes of the hard face pyramidal turning with SVBN materials were developed. The resistance of the investigated tools when turning hard face of “BK” and “TH” groups was determined.

Findings. The experimental results showed that, among the cutting materials “Elbor-P”, “Carbonado” СВБН-1 and СВБН-5B, the last-mentioned has the best processing performance. Cutting forces occurring during turning can be a criterion for determining the rational cutting conditions based on the maximum removal of the processed hard alloy. With the increase of binder content from 8 to 20%, the coating machinability carbide turning reduces 2−3 times. The surface roughness of the coatings in the processing of hard alloys ВK8, TN20 − Ra = 2−2.5 microns ВK15S, ВK20KS − Ra = 0.5 microns; rational modes during turning coatings of carbide BK8 − ВK20 material of СВБН-5B, V = 18−20 m / min, S = 0.11−0.13 mm / rev, t = 0.7−0.9 mm.

Originality. We have determined the empirical relationships and mathematical models of hard face turning operations performance and the cutting forces arising.

Practical value. The mathematical models can be used for determination of the optimal modes of turning of hard face, which improves the wear resistance of products operating under conditions of moderate abrasion and shock action, such as the drill bit body.


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You are here: Home Archive by issue 2015 Contents No.6 2015 Geotechnical and mining mechanical engineering, machine building Methods of production and processing of wear-resistant coatings for drill bits