Advancement of master’s professional development program established for environmental engineers

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Yu.S. Holik, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Poltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk, Head of the Department of Applied Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Poltava, Ukraine.

O.E. Illiash, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Poltava National Technical University named after Yuri Kondratyuk, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Applied Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Poltava, Ukraine.


Purpose. Theoretical and methodological substantiation of the key directions for improvement of the master’s training programs for environmental engineers in the context of higher education reform in Ukraine, as well as challenges in the sustainable development of its regions.

Methodology. The study based on the fundamental provisions of the learning theory and the concept of higher education, and new policy goals in the fields of higher environmental education in Ukraine, as well as the research of home and foreign scientists, which are devoted to improving the quality of master level education, and generalization of Ukrainian experience in the creation of industry standards for professional education of environmental specialists.

Findings. This study proved the necessity of complex and synergetic approaches to the development of master’s training program, according to which it is regarded as а flexible and dynamic set of interrelated subjects and other training activities. In general, it should respond to changing market conditions and State programmes on the environment and sustainable development. The content and structure of the master’s program should be adapted to the changing needs of the labor market and to the objectives of sustainable development of certain industries or regions, taking into account existing scientific base, experience and specific academic profile of the University. The analysis of contemporary views on the mission of higher education institutions and on the strategic objectives of the higher education in Ukraine shows that professional educational program envisaged for masters should be more flexible and effective. It should facilitate the transition of the higher environmental education to a new model that will provide the interconnection, development and improvement of all components of higher education in the context of sustainable development at the level of certain Communities and Regions.

Originality. Unlike the existing approaches, the proposed methodology is based on the principles of multi-disciplinary approach, by increasing the variable part of the curriculum, deepening of profiling and prioritization of research practical training, that provides a comprehensive and dynamic development of master’s programs in professional education, in particular for environmental specialties.

Practical value. Implementation of the proposed measures may increase the compliance of the qualification level of the graduates, environmental engineers with the current needs of the labor market in the context of sustainable development of a certain region.


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