Interrelation of electric-power parameters of the single-phase active power filter mode with parameters of the stores attached

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O.V. Byalobrzheskii, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Electricity Systems and Energy Management, Kremenchuk, Ukraine.

R.V. Vlasenko, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, postgraduate student, Kremenchuk, Ukraine.


Purpose. Determination of the relation between the parameters of energy storage system of the single-phase active filter with electric-power parameters of its mode.

Methodology. The research methodology included the development of a mathematical model of a single-phase active filter and implementation of the mode of the required harmonic current formation in the network. Formulation of energy equations, in the light of specific features of the stress distribution and flow of currents in the elements of the device, together with the analysis of temporal and spectral dependencies of the mentioned parameters of mode, allows us to derive the laws that bind the power mode settings with the parameters of inductance and capacitor device.

Findings. By decomposition of the mode parameters for the corresponding harmonic oscillation amplitude we defined the relation between the capacitor voltage amplitude and the current amplitude in the network. Comparing the sawtoothlike modulating component of the line current to the corresponding sinusoidal component at a value, into account the effect, of the buffer circuit inductance on harmonic current and voltage at the node connecting the device. Based on the power balance equations we established the mutual dependence of the parameters of single-phase active filter circuit with the mode parameters, taking into account the harmonic content at the point of connection of the device.

Originality. Based on the mode analysis and analytical dependence of the parameters of circuit elements on the mode parameters, we have proved that the unmistakable numerical calculation is impossible, due to lack of the required number of independent equations. This qualifies the problem of determining of the parameters as optimization problem.

Practical value. The model and methods of analysis of its modes based on the time dependent behavior and spectral dependencies have been developed. This allows research of the steady and transient processes in such devices.


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