Bispectral television pyrometer linearity range
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- Category: Information technologies, systems analysis and administration
- Last Updated on 27 October 2015
- Published on 27 October 2015
- Hits: 3472
M.O. Markin, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Senior Lecturer of the Scientific, Analytical and Ecological Devices and Systems Department, Kyiv, Ukraine.
Purpose. The main objectives of the study are: creation of a laboratory bench, measurement techniques and software; experimental study of bispectral television pyrometers properties affecting the temperature measurement accuracy. The increase of the temperature measurement accuracy can be achieved both by improving the properties of bispectral television pyrometer, and by improving the methods of their application. The bispectral television pyrometers performance improvement, in particular the accuracy of the temperature measurement, requires improvement of metrological provision.
Methodology. One of the most important tasks is to conduct experimental research to determine the properties of bispectral television temperature measurement devices. Such properties include light signaling and spectral characteristics and the range of linearity.
Findings. Results suggest the research procedure for the light-signal properties of bispectral measurement tools studies intended on determination of the range of linearity by examining light-signal properties of individual channels on a laboratory model. The experimental model of bispectral pyrometer that is based on the CCD camera NOVUS NVC-530, laboratory model and software for experimental studies of its characteristics were created. Under the expe-rimental conditions the characteristic of bispectral television pyrometer based on camera NOVUS NVC-530 ramps up from 0.1 lux to 3.8 lux, i.e. it is in the range of about 32 dB.
Originality. The research results allowed adequate determination of the light-signal properties, namely its linear part with respect to the input signals. This provides a conceptual condition of independence of microconverters.
Practical value. The laboratory model for experimental studies of bispectral television pyrometer has been created. Experimental studies of the light-signal properties of bispectral television pyrometer to determine its range of linearity were held.
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