The mathematical model of asynchronous traction motor taking into account the saturation of magnetic circuits

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D.O. Kulagin, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Zaporizhzhia National Technical University, Senior Lecturerof the Department of Electrosupply of Industrial Enterprises, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine


Purpose. Development of mathematical model of asynchronous traction machines in (d, q) frame of axis with taking into account the saturation of magnetic circuits.

Methodology. In the paper, we used the method of dynamic inductances, which is connected with the use of a systematic study of properties of the traction motor.

Findings. We have designed the analytical model of magnetic circuit asynchronous traction motor which takes into account action of the tangential and radial dynamic inductances. Based on this we have built tensor dynamic inductances rich machine, which was recorded in (d, q) frame of axis of equations of rotor and stator circles asynchronous traction motor taking into account the saturation. We suggest the method of dynamic inductances for construction of mathematical models of traction asynchronous engine. This allows to take into account the saturation of the main magnetic path for the modes with a wide range of changes in the flow of mutual induction between the stator and the rotor; saturation flow path scattering modes that are characterized by large current circuits of the machine; induction caused by processes of saturation between mutually perpendicular to the contours of the machine; as well as the joint saturation worker thread and threads scattering modes that are characterized by the significant size of the workflow and large values of currents contours of the machine. These modes are specific to asynchronous traction machines with consideration of the operation mode of traction electric rolling stock of Railways.

Originality. We have considered variations in the magnetic state of traction induction motor, which is a topical issue in view of such a change in a wide range of operating modes of traction electric rolling stock of Railways.

Practical value. The mathematical model allows taking into account the change of the magnetic state of asynchronous traction motor. It is required for creation of adequate drives control systems and systems for driving traction electric rolling stock of Railways.


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