Laws of determination of fine materials suction limits in submarine suction dredge face

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A.A. Bondarenko, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mining Machines and Engineering, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Ye.S. Zapara, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), Associate Professor, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mining Machines and Engineering, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine


Purpose. To establish laws of determination of the pulp suction scope and the suction stream speed at the suction area border of the submarine face for soil particles to be in equilibrium.

Methodology. The theory of grainy material single particles transfer by a duplex heterogeneous stream in boundary area between the submarine face and water environment has been applied. The pulp stream directed from the submarine face to the hydraulic dredger suction union and formed by motion of liquid from unlimited space has been considered.

Findings. The process of pulp suction by the suction union in a submarine face has been considered. Analytical dependence for determining the distance from the suction union to the section, in which suction speed is equal to speed, at which particles are in equilibrium, has been established. For determination of submarine face suction area scope a particle equilibrium state condition has been made. The record describing forces affecting a particle has been obtained. The differential equation describing motion of a soil particle being in the area of suction has been worked out. As a result of differential equalization solution the dependence for determination of suction stream speed on the border of submarine face suction area has been got. Thus soil particle, under the action of gravity, Archimedes and speed pressure stays in equilibrium.

Originality. The mathematical model of a soil particle motion along the generatrix of submarine face suction area has been developed. The submarine face of the hydraulic dredger has been for the first time examined as an area limited by the suction area of the previously distended soil.

Practical value. Analytical dependences for determination of suction stream speed on the border of submarine face suction area allowing a particle to stay in equilibrium have been got. Analytical dependence for determination of pulp suction radius has been obtained. Dependences allow setting the scope of pulp suction area in the submarine face, and defining the volume of soil mined out by the hydraulic dredger.


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