Development and adoption of new technical decisions for development of Yuzhno-Belozerskoye ore deposit under difficult mining and geological conditions

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V.V. Russkikh, Cand. Sci. (Tech.), State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Underground Mining of Deposits, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

V.V. Lapko, State Higher Educational Institution “National Mining University”, Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Underground Mining of Deposits, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine

S.A. Zubko, JSC „Zaporozhskiy Zhelezorudnyy Kombinat», Head of the Tunnelling Department of „Prokhodcheskaya» Mine, Dneprorudnoe, Ukraine


Purpose. To validate new technological solutions for mining steeply dipping ore deposits in the unstable bearing strata hanging wall.

Methodology. At ZAO “Zaporozhskiy zhelezorudny kombinat”, there we have analyzed the experience of production of ore from all overlying levels of the deposit in order to define acceptable parameters of the designed rooms and the limits of excavation. A simulation model of the deposit development from hanging wall has been created and studied. To determine the properties of the simulation model the operating exploration boreholes were drilled without coring deep levels of drilling and subsequent application of geophysical methods for geological projects testing. Geological data were supplemented by data from associated prospecting when documenting mine workings.

Findings. The system of ore production from the hanging wall has been substantiated. The research resulta have been tested in the mine “Ekspluatatsionnaya” of ZAO “Zaporozhskiy zhelezorudny kombinat” at the depth of 740–825 m. Rock block holing of the ore massif in cameras was done by ascending and descending borehole fans drilled from the sublevel drifts and bords.

Originality. On the basis of numerical modeling of stressed state the analysis of stability of rock in steep ore hanging wall at different parameters of the camera was carried out.

Practical value. On the basis of complex research and industrial works performed at the ZAO “Zaporozhskiy zhelezorudny kombinat” the methods of calculating the parameters of the cameras of the hanging wall beyond the depth of 840 m has been substantiated and the procedure of excavation in stable conditions has been defined.
The results can be used at enterprises developing ore deposits in the same geological conditions.


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